Look at that smile! I've been blessed beyond words to befriend sweet Beckham and to watch him grow up and thrive before my eyes. He entered school late last year with his younger brother. They sometimes come over on Sunday mornings and I find them peering in my window, standing on their tippie toes. This photo of Beckham (with Shivan in my room shows his gigantic smile. His emotions are so big. When he's sad, he tries to hide it but he can't--I can see it in his eyes and quiet tears. When he's happy his smile lights up the whole room! He has the most adorable giggle and his super ticklish. He's learning simple English-they teach it in the schools, and of course I teach them-and loves to copy the English words I say like 'yukky' and 'poopoo.' :)
Having him and the family in my life is such a blessing.
Another reminder: It's Cyber Monday and the 15% off (GIVING15 coupon code) is still good today and tomorrow.
We want to give Beckham and his whole village Clean Water for Christmas!!! If only 400 people donate $20 by then, we will exceed our end goal of $7500, so we can give his Batwa village this life saving gift. Help us today! Donate your cup of coffee; $5 for 4 days!