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Spreading Hope by Growing Healthy Communities and Sustainable Ecosystems in Uganda
Look at these handsome children! These older kids from Kalehe village attend Bishop's Boarding School. We have worked with their village since January 2014 and they are like family.
School has three terms, beginning in February and ending in November, with a month in between term 1 & 2, and a long break from November to February. They come to our Educational Soup Kitchen when on school breaks and spend much time at the RSF House. We love them all!
From left: Kipson, Edgar, Evidence, Luke, Andrew, Jonas, Confidence & Moses.
The younger kids attended our newly opened Hope Stone Academy for Batwa last year and several of them have been promoted to Bishop's Primary School. They also stay after class each week for our Educational Soup Kitchen. In the photo above you see (from left): Beckham, Daisy, Clevis, Bosco, Shivan, Sandra, and Macklin (my daughter Joyce is on the far right). We also now have Isaac and Limia attending our school.
The kids at Hope Stone have been performing incredibly well! Check out a few of our videos on our Youtube Channel.
Do any of these children speak to your heart? For the cost of a nice dinner out, $45/mo (or $500/year), or the lesser amount of $25/mo ($300/year) you can sponsor one of these precious children. That includes writing them letters with photos of your family and receiving messages back. It is a wonderful way to learn about life in Africa, and for them to learn about life in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, or wherever you may live!
For each child, we need two sponsors. This covers school fees, uniforms and shoes, transportation to and from school each school break, school supplies, and covers the extra costs of feeding and providing activities to the kids on school breaks, our weekly Educational Soup Kitchen, and ordinary clothes because the families often cannot afford them.
Having 2 sponsors gives us wiggle room if one drops out for any reason, and ensures we can cover the costs of our supplementary education programs. Also, some sponsors write more than others, so that way no one feels left out!
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